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[infowar.de] Fidel Castro: "Wir sind keine Cyberkrieger!"
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Ihr erinnert Euch: Im Februar wurde bei den jährlichen Anhörungen zur
"weltweiten Bedrohungslage" im Kongress gemutmasst, Kuba könnte Cyberattacken
gegen die USA planen. Die Begründung war damals schon haarsträubend: Weil die
kubanischen Streitkräfte so marode sind, aber die Geheimdienste noch halbwegs
funktionieren... - die "asymmetrische Bedrohungen"-Paranoia eben. Hier nochmal
der entsprechende Auszug aus der Anhörung zu Nachlesen:
Nun hat der alte Revolutionsführer selber dazu Stellung genommen: "Wir könnten
es nicht, selbst wenn wir wollten". Ruhe ist in den USA natürlich dennoch nicht:
Wer sich seit Jahrzehnten dem Druck der Weltmacht widersetzt, ist ja schon fast
automatisch böse und gefährlich... ;-)
Grüsse, Ralf
Associated Press, 14.6.
Castro Denounces Cyberattack Concerns
HAVANA (AP) - An irritated Fidel Castro on Thursday dismissed concerns about
Cuban cyberterrorism against the United States as ``craziness,'' saying his
country doesn't have the technology to launch such attacks even if it wanted to.
U.S. officials who believe that Cuba could and would attack the country's
computer networks are ``orphans, and bereft of ideas,'' Castro said in a speech
shown on state television. He called the United States ``an empire that only
knows lies.''
``It is craziness ... it would be against our principles,'' Castro said at the
inauguration of a new solar energy system for a school in the western province
of Pinar
del Rio.
Castro's comments were a response to testimony by Rear Adm. Thomas Wilson at a
Senate hearing in February.
Wilson, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, at the time said Cuba has
the potential to use ``information warfare or computer network attack,''
the country ``to disrupt our access or flow of forces to the region.''
Some other U.S. officials have said privately that they believe Cuba's computer
capability has been overstated, noting that the island still does not possess a
modern telephone system.
Sen. Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat who was at the hearing that Wilson addressed,
has said he thinks the issue warrants further study.
``They are pulling his leg,'' Castro said of Wyden. He suggested that the
senator come to the island and investigate for himself.
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