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[] NSA: Groundbreaker-Outsourcing geht an Computer Science Corp. -

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Partner in der "Eagle Alliance" ist Logicon, eine Tochter des
Rüstungsriesen Northrop Grumman. Die Entscheidung fiel drei Monte hinter
dem Zeitplan. 
Hintergründe zu dem Projekt gingen schon über die Liste. Hier einer:

Grüsse, Ralf

Washington Post
August 1, 2001
Pg. E1

NSA Picks Information Technology Contractor

By Vernon Loeb and Greg Schneider, Washington Post Staff Writers

The National Security Agency yesterday awarded a 10-year contract worth
more than $2 billion to Computer Sciences Corp. and more than a dozen
partners in what NSA officials called the largest effort by a U.S.
intelligence agency to entrust its information technology systems to a
private contractor.

With the Bush administration engaged in a comprehensive review of the
nation's intelligence capabilities, the award represents a clear
acknowledgment by NSA officials that the agency has fallen behind the
technological curve and now needs the private sector to modernize its
Cold War infrastructure.

The contract, dubbed Project Groundbreaker, also represents a major
departure for the NSA, which has long prided itself on developing much
of its own computer and signals intelligence technology.

"Technology is moving much faster today than it ever has and it's very
hard to keep up with it. One of the things that makes sense is to bring
commercial experience and commercial best practices into the
government," said Thomas C. Robinson, president of Computer Sciences'
defense group.

Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the NSA's director, said the
contract "allows us to refocus assets on the agency's core mission of
providing foreign signals intelligence and protecting U.S. national
security-related information systems."

One intelligence community official called the contract "unprecedented
in terms of the scale of the effort, taking advantage of the private
sector's ability to make technical inroads and modernize rapidly. It
could very well be replicated by other intelligence agencies, if the
effort is successful."

While many of the requirements included in the contract involve
non-classified computing and telecommunications services, Computer
Sciences and its partners also will be responsible for designing and
maintaining classified systems used for the management of electronic
signals and digital data intercepted around the globe.

California-based CSC formed a partnership on the contract with Logicon,
a Herndon-based unit of Northrop Grumman Corp. The joint venture is
known as the Eagle Alliance, and will be led by Robinson.

The team was selected over groups led by AT&T Corp. and OAO Technology
Solutions Inc.

Agency officials said the contract, which will become "fully
operational" by Nov. 1, includes financial incentives to support the
hiring of 750 NSA employees by the contractors at "comparable or better
pay, benefits and opportunities."

Computer Sciences officials said the company's experience in moving
federal employees to the private sector through outsourcing was a key
factor in winning the contract. The company delivered a feasibility
study leading up to Project Groundbreaker in which it absorbed about 75
NSA civil servants.

It also undertook a similar outsourcing program for the Army in the past
few years, a $680 million job called the Wholesale Logistics
Modernization Program. Under that program, about 200 Army employees
became CSC employees, the company said.

"We're seeing more interest in the government going to industry to try
to bring in best practices to improve their situation, to help them
modernize. They don't have enough money to recapitalize and modernize,"
Robinson said.

NSA employees who do not accept private-sector positions under the
contract might be eligible for transfers within the agency, according to
one NSA official. While there is no immediate prospect for layoffs, the
official did not rule them out for employees who decline to go to work
for the contractors.

CSC's other partners include General Dynamics Corp., Keane Federal
Systems Inc., Omen Inc., ACS Defense Inc., BTG Inc., CACI International
Inc., Compaq Computer Corp., TRW Inc., Windemere, Fiber Plus, Verizon
and Superior Communications.

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