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[] erste Cyber-Polizeistation in Indien nimmt Arbeit auf,
Interessante Historie: Angefangen hat das Ganze als Analysezelle von
IT-Sicherheitsfirmen und dem Indian Institute of Science. Nun hat es den
Status einer Polizeistation bekommen.


India to Open First Cyber Police Station

   BANGALORE, India (Reuters) - India's first police station to
   exclusively handle cyber crimes such as computer hacking, data damage
   and Internet fraud (news - web sites) will start work in Bangalore on
   September 15, police said on Friday.
   The station, which would cover the state of Karnataka, was launched
   Thursday, a senior police official told Reuters.
   The station, which would cover crimes under India's information
   technology law passed last year, was aimed at taking quick action on
   solving cyber crimes, taking the burden from local police.
   Local police stations would continue to register cyberspace crimes
   would also carry out searches.
   The Cyber Crime Police Station (CCPS) has set up a Web site for
   complaints (

   India, joining a handful of nations, last year passed the cyber law 
   that covers a wide range of issues, from the potential of electronic 
   commerce to the possible threats posed by too much policing of

   Law and order are state-level subjects under India's constitution,
   is governed by the provincial administration.

   Karnataka had set up in 1999 a cyber crime cell with experts called
   from leading Bangalore software firms Wipro Ltd and Infosys
   and the Indian Institute of Science.

   ``The same cell has now been given the status of a police station,'' 
   said the official.

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