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[infowar.de] Cybercrime-Convention passiert weitere Hürde!
Infowar.de, http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~bendrath/liste.html
hat das hier wirklich bisher niemand mitbekommen?
Vor einer Woche haben die Staatssekretäre (oder wie übersetzt man
"ministers' deputies"?) den endgültigen Entwurf der
Cybercrime-Convention beschlossen. Er muss nun am 8. November nur noch
von den Aussenministern unterzeichnet werden, dann titt er in Kraft,
sobald ihn 5 Staaten (darunter drei Europarats-Mitglieder) unterzeichnet
Der endgültige Entwuf des Konventionstextes findet sich hier:
Mehr Infos hier: http://press.coe.int/dossiers/107/E/e-sommaire.htm
Die Konvention war von Datenschützern und gerade am 19.9. noch von den
Grünen im Bundestag
(http://www.heise.de/tp/deutsch/inhalt/te/9587/1.html) heftig kritisiert
worden, weil sie u.a. Hacker-Tools kriminalisiert und neue Ängste vor
Überwachung schürt.
Ich bitte um Feedback:
Wer weiss mehr zum aktuellen Stand?
Was machen die hier auf der Liste vertretenen einschlägigen
Interessiert sich jeder nur noch für Osama bin Laden?
Grüße, Ralf
P.S. Wundert euch nicht über die Uhrzeit - ich bin noch im Jetlag. ;-)
Council of Europe, Press Release 646a(2001)
First international treaty to combat crime in cyberspace approved by
Ministers' Deputies
Strasbourg, 19.09.2001- The Council of Europe Ministers' Deputies have
just approved the Convention on Cybercrime.
The Deputies decided to present the Convention for formal adoption to
Foreign Affairs Ministers meeting in Strasbourg on 8 November, with the
opening for signature by member states taking place at an international
conference in Budapest at the end of November. It will enter into force
when five states, at least three of which are members of the Council of
Europe, have ratified it.
The Convention will be the first international treaty on crimes
committed via the Internet and other computer networks, dealing
particularly with infringements of copyright, computer-related fraud,
child pornography and violations of network security. It also contains a
series of powers and procedures such as the search of computer networks
and interception.
Its main objective, set out in the preamble, is to pursue a common
criminal policy aimed at the protection of society against cybercrime,
especially by adopting appropriate legislation and fostering
international co-operation.
The Convention is the product of four years of work by Council of Europe
experts, but also by the United States, Canada, Japan and other
countries which are not members of the organisation.
It will be supplemented by an additional protocol making any publication
of racist and xenophobic propaganda via computer networks a criminal
* * *
In 1997, the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers asked a
committee of experts to "draft a binding legal instrument" examining the
issues of offences, substantive criminal law, the use of coercive powers
- including at international level - and the problem of jurisdiction
over computer crimes.
In April 2000, the draft text was declassified - a very unusual step in
the drafting of an international legal text - and made public on the
Internet so as to garner the opinions of professionals and network
In March 2001, the Parliamentary Assembly held a hearing of
international experts and then adopted an opinion on the draft text at
its April plenary session.
Press Contact
Sabine Zimmer, Council of Europe Press Service
Tel. +33 3 88 41 25 97 - Fax. +33 3 88 41 27 90
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