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[] Pentagon verstärkt Telearbeit,
Interessante Sache: Ein Programm, das eigentlich der Stauvermeidung auf
den Strassen im Großraum Washington dienen soll, führt nun zu
Verwundbarkeiten/Angriffspunkten auf die militärischen IT-Systeme, die
es ja bei jedem Dialup-Zugang gibt. Unklar ist mir bisher, ob nur
unwichtige Datenverarbeitung zuhause betrieben werden soll, oder ob
einzelne Leute auch einen home-Zugang zum SIPRNET und anderen
sicherheitskritischen Netzen bekommen. RB

By Dan Caterinicchia 
Oct. 30, 2001

The Defense Department last week defined a new "telework" policy that
supports a governmentwide effort to allow more federal employees to
work from home at least part of the time.

The policy, announced Oct. 26 to coincide with Telework America Day,
promotes regular telework for eligible DOD civilian employees at least
one day out of every two weeks. It also provides for ad hoc telework,
for employees who want to work from home on a one-time or irregular

A provision in last year's Transportation appropriations bill directs
agencies to allow all eligible employees to telework at least one day
a week by 2004.

David Chu, undersecretary of Defense for personnel and readiness, said
he encouraged managers to do whatever necessary to overcome artificial
barriers to the program, while actively promoting teleworking in their

The policy directs DOD organizations to take several steps:

* Identify the maximum number of positions eligible for regular and
  recurring telework.

* Identify the maximum number of employees who exhibit characteristics
  suitable for telework, and who occupy positions identified as
  eligible for teleworking.

* Draw up "telework agreements" with employees who will telework on a
  regular or recurring basis. At a minimum, the agreements, developed
  before telework begins, must address the location and requirements
  of the alternative worksite, telework schedule, security of official
  information, protection of government-furnished equipment,
  applicable standards of conduct, liability and injury compensation,
  and government access to the alternative worksite.

The new policy and guide are available at .

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