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[] Ideenwettbewerb für IT-Sicherheit bringt Vorschlagsflut,
176 Vorschläge von Firmen, wie die US-Regierung ihre Datennetze sicherer
machen könnte. Das hätte Ihnen ja auch schon 1997 nach der Vorlage des
PCCIP-Berichtes einfallen können. Ach, was rede ich, hierzulande wird ja
nicht einmal der KRITIS-Bericht veröffentlicht... RB

By Ellen McCarthy,
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 28, 2001; 8:54 PM

The White House's request for suggestions from the technology industry
on how to make internal government communication networks more secure
provoked an outpouring of responses in the past two months.

One hundred sixty-seven telecom, information technology and software
companies responded to the General Services Administration's inquiry
about whether it would be possible and practical to build secure
internal networks for government agencies.

Research into the question began six months ago and escalated after a
proposal by the president's cyberspace security adviser, Richard
Clarke, after the Sept. 11 attacks. The results are now being analyzed
for a report to be delivered to the White House in February.

The GSA asked for technical assessments, costs, estimated schedules
and design ideas for highly secure voice and data networks that do not
rely on the Internet.

Much of the communication between agency offices would still be done
through the Internet, said a White House spokesman. The internal
system, called GovNet, would be used to transfer sensitive documents
on separate, government-owned fiber-optic cables or an alternate
communication system that would be less susceptible to attacks.

Clarke said in a statement that as virus "attacks become more common
and sophisticated, prudent risk management requires that we look at
all the alternatives."

"Encryption is not enough. I am also concerned with minimizing service
outages caused by [virus] attacks."

WorldCom Inc., one of the companies that submitted proposals for the
project, suggested several systems that range in price and security

"We feel there are a number of ways to address this problem," said
WorldCom spokeswoman Natasha Haubold. "So our proposal included
everything from a completely separate network to one [that] shares
some network infrastructure, but would have enhanced security

Representatives from 16 government agencies will review the industry
suggestions and file a report to the security adviser and the White
House. The Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon
University, a clearinghouse for reports about viruses and other
security problems on the Internet, also will review the submissions
and submit an independent report.

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