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[] Neues Bin Laden-Video (made in Hollywood?),

Ein interessanter Aspekt im Kampf um die öffentliche (Welt-)Meinung. Ein
Video soll aufgetaucht sein, das Bin Ladens Verstrickung in die
Anschläge vom 11. September eindeutig belegen würde. Andererseits
überlegen die Amerikaner ob sie es veröffentlichen sollen, weil die
Möglichkeit des Verdachts besteht, dass amerikanische
Sicherheitsbehördes es selbst hergestellt haben - spätestens seit
Forrest Gump kennt man die weitreichenden Möglichkeiten der Bearbeitung
von Filmsequenzen.

NYT, December 10, 2001

Tape Surfaces With Remarks by bin Laden


WASHINGTON, Dec. 9 ? A tape of Osama bin Laden found recently in
Afghanistan shows him recounting how he listened to news reports on the
radio of the first plane crashing into the World Trade Center three
months ago and quickly told others around him "there will be more" as he
awaited the second attack.

Administration officials say they have read transcripts of the amateur
videotape, which the White House is debating whether to make public, and
that Mr. bin Laden seemed amused that many of the hijackers in the
attacks apparently had not known they were on suicide missions.

"He suggests that they just thought they were involved in a conventional
hijacking," one administration official said today.

"There is a lot of laughter on the tape," he added. "What's new is the
notion that some of the hijackers didn't know they were going to die."

In fact, federal investigators have theorized for some time that the
hijacking teams were divided into two distinct groups: one or two
leaders on each plane who understood the mission and served as pilots,
and assistants who were recruited to control the crew and passengers,
but probably had no knowledge of the true goal.

American military forces or Central Intelligence Agency personnel
working in Jalalabad discovered the tape, officials said, and its
existence was first reported in The Washington Post this morning.
President Bush has been briefed on its highlights, and today Vice
President Dick Cheney and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Gen. Richard B. Myers, said they had read excerpts, translated from the

But within the administration, a debate has broken out over the wisdom
of making the tape public. Many in the White House argue that it will
bolster the case to the Arab world that Mr. bin Laden planned the
attacks and portray him as so cold-blooded that his own followers did
not know their mission would result in their certain death.

Others, however, are arguing that many in the Arab world would find the
discovery of the tape too convenient and charge that it was a creation
of the C.I.A. and Hollywood collaborators. "The quality is not good, the
images are dark, and it would open us up to charges that we fabricated
it," one senior official said today.

In an interview this morning on the CBS News program "Face the Nation,"
Mr. Cheney called the tape "one more piece of evidence confirming his
responsibility for what happened on 9/11."

But, perhaps reflecting the internal arguments within the administration
about the wisdom of releasing the tape, Mr. Cheney added, "We've not
been eager to give the guy any extra television time" and said he would
"rely on the experts as to whether or not it would be a good idea for us
to release" the video, or a transcript.

The tape in question is the second that the administration has
discovered and kept to itself. The Arab television network Al Jazeera
received the first of these tapes of Mr. bin Laden more than a month
ago. In it, he offered extreme denunciations of the United States. But
Al Jazeera decided not to broadcast it, administration officials said.

It is unclear why the network made that decision, but Al Jazeera had
been sharply criticized in the West for broadcasting an earlier tape of
Mr. bin Laden hours after the American bombing of Afghanistan began. The
Bush administration obtained a copy of that tape, officials said, but
chose not to make it public.

But in that first tape, Mr. bin Laden said nothing that would confirm he
had prior knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks, according to an
administration official who has reviewed it. The latest video, obtained
in Afghanistan two weeks ago, records a much more informal talk,
apparently at a dinner with his supporters.

The date of the recording is not clear, officials say, although the
C.I.A. has told the White House that it believes that the tape is

During the dinner talk, Mr. bin Laden recounts how he had the radio on
in the hours before the terrorist attacks, apparently expecting word of
the crash. "He knew when it was going to happen and tuned in," said one
American official who has read the translation, "or so he said. He was
saying to people around him, `Wait, there will be more,' or words to
that effect."

At another point in his dinner discussion, Mr. bin Laden expressed
surprise that both World Trade Center towers fell to the ground, saying
he expected only the top floors to collapse. "He praises Allah for the
fact that it was more successful than expected," one official said.

The deputy secretary of defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, called Mr. bin
Laden's recounting of events "disgusting."

"I mean, this is a man who takes pride and pleasure in having killed
thousands of innocent human beings," he said on "This Week" on ABC.

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