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[infowar.de] US Army plant neues Kommunikations-Netzwerk für das Schlachtfeld
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Wichtigste Punkte:
- Projektname: WIN-T (Warfighter Information Network-Tactical)
- massiver Einsatz kommerziell erhältlicher Technologien
- Zeitrahmen: Ausschreibung März 2002, zwei Zuschläge für Prototypen,
Erstellung dieser bis 2004, Test in einer Division 2006, Beschaffung
- geschätzte Kosten: 6,6 Mrd Dollar (mit den üblichen Kostenexplosionen,
aber das steht hier nicht)
Government Computer News
Army plans spring bid for WIN-T proposals
December 10, 2001
By Drew Robb,
Special to GCN
The Army plans to release a request for proposals next year for the next
generation of battlefield communications systems: the Warfighter
Information Network-Tactical.
The RFP for the WIN-T is set for release March 15. The
Communications-Electronics Command in Fort Monmouth, N.J., will oversee
the project, which is expected to cost $6.6 billion.
?This is the most important communication program the Army has going,? a
senior project officer for WIN-T said. ?We?ve tried to anticipate
command and control flow for the next 15 to 20 years and make sure we
have the capacity to handle it.?
The system is intended to provide new capabilities and flexibility for
troops in battle. By incorporating advanced terrestrial, airborne and
space-based battle command systems, WIN-T will let the Army concentrate
combat power by means other than massing its forces, which will make
smaller units tougher and more lethal.
WIN-T will replace the Tri-service Tactical Communications system, which
is based on military technology from the 1970s. Signal battalions are
required to use the system for most communications functions.
The new system will use commercially available products and standards so
that new technology can be incorporated as soon as it becomes available.
The network will be part of the user?s platform and not dependent on the
signal corps to provide the communications link.
?What we are trying to do is bring that communications support closer to
the soldier,? said the WIN-T spokesman, who requested that his name not
be used. ?This way, he can move faster, he gets more bandwidth and he
has priority on the communications, which he doesn?t have today.?
WIN-T will handle communications for users from the theater level down
to individual battalions, allowing them to exchange voice, video and
data over wired or wireless systems.
Common platform
The network will connect all its users to each other as well as to joint
and multinational forces and the Defense Information System Network. The
rapid exchange of information, the Army brass hope, will let commanders
create a common tactical picture that will aid joint planning, precision
engagements and focused logistics. Army officials expect such
capabilities to reduce friendly fire incidents and enable fast, secure,
seamless communication for precise targeting of enemy forces.
According to the WIN-T network description at
www.monmouth.army.mil/peoc3s/win-t/main/wintordv5.doc, the system will
employ switching and routing systems that will allocate bandwidth and
route information over several transmission paths to bypass outages and
The system will use three terminal devices for communication with
warfighters. Some users will have secure wireless handheld computers to
connect to the WIN-T network using radio and satellite links. Others
will use secure or nonsecure wired voice terminals.
But the contractor who develops the network will determine the details
of the system.
?Our specification is performance-oriented, defining everything in terms
of warfighter needs,? the project officer said. ?Bidders can present any
type of technology that will provide that communications path.?
Widespread deployment is at least five years away. The Army plans to
select two vendors that will independently develop networks to meet the
specifications. The two options will be tested in 2004, and the Army
will pick one to begin producing the units at a low rate. It will
initially build enough equipment to supply a single division for further
testing. The units will be delivered to the field in 2006 for training
purposes. By mid-2007, the tests will be completed and the units will be
broadly deployed in the field.
Since WIN-T will incorporate commercially available systems, the Army
will be able to keep it updated as newer communications technologies
reach the market. ?WIN-T will be out there for the next 25 years,? said
the WIN-T spokesman.
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