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[] US-Cyberzar Richard Clarke auf der RSA-Konferenz,

Security guru: Let's secure the Net 

09:13 Wednesday 20th February 2002 
Robert Lemos, CNET  

Richard Clarke, the United States' top adviser on cybersecurity, warns
that complacency leaves the Internet - and many other critical
infrastructures - in danger of attack 

The United States' top adviser on cybersecurity on Tuesday took
companies to task, pointing out that many spend less on computer
security than they do on coffee for employees. 

Streamed video: Richard Clarke on IT managers' responsibility for

Richard Clarke, the special adviser to the president on cybersecurity,
told security experts at the RSA Conference 2002 in San Jose that such
complacency leaves the Internet -- and many other critical
infrastructures -- in danger of attack. Clarke cited statistics that
indicate that less than 0.0025 percent of corporate revenue on average
is spent on information-technology security. 

"If you spend more on coffee than on IT security, then you will be
hacked," Clarke said during his keynote address. "What's more, you
deserve to be hacked." 

Streamed video: Richard Clarke's keynote from the RSA Conference,,t278-s2104682,00.html#

Software companies have said that during tough times, businesses aren't
interested in spending big for security. But Clarke said his own
research has found the opposite. He further stressed that the industry
needs to work together to secure the Internet as a whole, and that
companies should not just worry about their own little piece of the

"Let's admit that the emperor's new clothes are rather skimpy
sometimes," he said. 

Since the 11 September terrorist attacks, national interest in security
has grown considerably. Clarke said the attacks showed that the United
States' enemies are technologically savvy -- and persistent. 

"Our future enemies will understand our technology at least as well as
we do," Clarke said. To combat this, President Bush in his proposed
budget has pushed to increase spending on information security 64
percent, to $4bn, Clarke said. The increase would represent 8.1 percent
of the total budget for information technology, he added. 

Clarke also praised efforts by companies such as Cisco Systems and
Microsoft to pay better attention to security issues. In January,
Microsoft chairman Bill Gates sent a memo to employees urging them to
pay renewed attention to security issues in products. 

The crowd gathered in the conference hall laughed after mention of
Microsoft's security push, a strategy that has been frequently
criticised in the press. Yet Clarke said the program was no laughing

"Let's not just laugh and be cynical about that promise," he said.
"Let's instead say to Bill Gates, 'You are right, and we are going to
hold you to it.'" 

The RSA Conference is the largest computer security and encryption
conference in the world.

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