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[] EU gespalten über Datenvorratsspeicherung / Treffen der Justiz-und Innenminister morgen

Die Briten, Schweden, Franzosen und Iren wollen jetzt einen eigenen
Vorschlag einbringen und Kommission und Parlament umgehen. Offenbar
streben sie ein rein multilaterales Abkommen der Mitgliedsstaaten an.

European Digital Rights ( hat heute einen offenen Brief an die
britische Präsidentschaft und die EU-Kommissare für Medien und Recht
geschrieben und auf Zurückhaltung beim morgigen Sondertreffen der Innen-
und Justizminister gedrängt.
Der Brief (englisch):


Reuters dazu:

EU split over anti-terror phone data logging rules
Mon Jul 11, 2005 2:26 PM BST

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is split over how to
introduce a law requiring phone and Internet usage records to be
stored to help fight terrorism in the wake of the London bombings, an
EU official said on Monday.

The executive European Commission is drafting a proposal to harmonise
the rules for storing telephone, mobile and e-mail records across the
25-nation bloc, but EU president Britain is promoting a separate
initiative on the same issue.

The Commission's proposal could take up to three years because it
would require the assent of the European Parliament, which is
particularly sensitive to civil rights concerns and more open to
lobbying by telecommunications companies.

A quick deal among member governments would be open to less public
scrutiny and compliance would only be policed nationally.

The Commission says it is seeking to balance the imperatives of
security and crime-fighting against privacy concerns over handing
data to the police and the cost to telecoms companies of storing
customer records.

Britain, supported by Ireland, France and Sweden, has led calls for
EU governments to agree new rules among themselves, excluding the
Parliament and the Commission, as London fears the two EU
institutions could slow down decision-making.

"In the Commission's opinion they are not complementary initiatives,"
European Commission justice spokesman Friso Roscam-Abbing told a
daily briefing, adding that the EU executive would launch its
proposal in a few months.

"We have to make a choice. The European Union has to choose the
instrument it goes for."

The four EU states proposed after the March 2004 Madrid bombings
which killed 191 people that telecommunications data should be stored
compulsorily for a minimum of one year.

The Commission has recommended a period of six months to a year to
reduce the storage cost for companies.

EU interior ministers will discuss data retention at a special
meeting on Wednesday called to speed up anti-terrorism co-operation
after last Thursday's four bomb attacks on London's transport system,
which killed at least 49 people.

Neither proposal calls for the content of electronic communications
to be recorded but investigators want to be able to trace numbers
dialled, including unsuccessful calls, and Internet addresses accessed.

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