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[infowar.de] NSA: Spionage gegen US-Buerger
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Vielleicht habt ihr das hier bereits, aber es scheint ganz interessant zu
sein, weswegen ich es der Vollständigkeit halber mal hier rein mehle:
q/depesche schrieb:
> q/depesche 01.6.23/2
> NSA: Spionage gegen US-Buerger
> Dem unermüdlichen John Young ist es anscheinend gelungen,
> zum erstenmal ein Beweisstück dafür aufzutreiben, dass die NSA -
> nach US-Recht äusserst ungesetzlich - ihre eigenen Bürger
> ausspioniert.
> Wie alle Dokumente aus dem Core-Geheimdienstbereich ist es
> leicht angejahrt.
> -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
> via ukcrypto -!
- chiark -
greenend -
org -
> Debate on whether the NSA spies domestically on US persons
> appears to be "yes" according to USSID 18, dated July 23, 1993,
> which was obtained by the National Security Archive a while back,
> for which we offer an HTML:
> http://cryptome.org/nsa-ussid18.htm
> Parts previously redacted concerning domestic surveillance are
> now revealed, among them these provisions for acquiring and
> retaining indefinitely domestically acquired encipherments:
> [Quote]
> (2) Domestic communications reasonably believed to contain
> technical data base information may be retained for a period
> sufficient to allow a thorough exploitation and to permit access to
> data that are, or are reasonably believed likely to become, relevant
> to a current or future foreign intelligence requirement. Sufficient
> duration may vary with the nature of the exploitation. (S-CCO)
> a. In the context of a cryptanalytic effort, maintenance of technical
> data bases requires retention of all communications that are
> enciphered or reasonably believed to contain secret meaning, and
> sufficient duration may consist of any period of time during which
> encrypted material is subject to, or of use in, cryptanalysis. (S-
> CCO)
> b. In the case of communications that are not enciphered or
> otherwise thought to contain secret meaning, sufficient duration is
> one year unless the Deputy Director for Operations, NSA,
> determines in writing that retention for a longer period is required to
> respond to authorized foreign intelligence or counterintelligence
> requirements. (S-CCO)
> [End quote]
> Again, these sections were censored in versions of USSID 18
> previously made public, a 1980 version here:
> http://cryptome.org/nsa-ussid18-80.htm
> While the quoted material is a small part of the 52-page document,
> variations on it are repeated more than once, and seems to be the
> one exception to the requirement to avoid domestic interceptions
> and to destroy any that are inadvertently acquired.
> The classification (S-CCO) is not explained but some think it
> perhaps indicates material limited to the UK/USA agreement
> and/or the Echelon partners. A better answer is welcomed.
> -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
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