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Re: [] Russia, China Working on Cyber Warfare -US Official -

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Da hat ein Reuters Schreiberling mal wieder eine offizielle Pressemeldung lediglich redigiert. Finde ich auch toll, nimmt einen Arbeit ab.



> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hallo,
> wieder mal nichts Neues. Staaten sind viel gefährlicher als Guerilla-Kämpfer, da diese anscheinend noch die 'altmodische' Art des Kampfes ausführen. Hört sich mal wieder nach einer Rechtfertigung von neuen zusätzlichen Investitionen an.
> mfg
> Ercan
> Russia, China Working on Cyber Warfare -US Official
> By Jim Wolf
> WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia and China appear to be developing
> computer-based tools with the potential to do long-lasting harm to the U.S.
> economy, a top intelligence official told Congress on Thursday.
> Such arms will give future foes new leverage over the United States,
> including a way to ratchet up pressure and the prospect of anonymity, said
> Lawrence Gershwin, the national intelligence officer for science and
> technology.
> Testifying before the Joint Economic Committee, Gershwin cited what he
> called some nations' public acknowledgment of the role cyber attacks would
> play as the ``next wave of military operations.''
> ``We've certainly seen that from countries such as China and Russia,'' he
> said. While he mentioned no other states by name, he said a ``fair number''
> had ``active'' programs, adding that most of his information on the subject
> was classified.
> ``We watch them very intensely,'' Gershwin said. ``Some of them are aimed at
> the United States and some of the others are probably aimed at others.''
> ``For the next five to 10 years or so, only nation-states appear to have the
> discipline, commitment and resources to fully develop capabilities to attack
> critical infrastructures,'' he said.
> The United States itself is working to integrate keyboard-launched attacks
> and network defense into ``all military plans and operations,'' Army Lt.
> Gen. Edward Anderson, deputy commander in chief of the U.S. Space Command,
> told House Armed Service Committee members Wednesday.
> ``We need to continue developing computer network attack strategies through
> simulations and war-gaming to improve our understanding of the potential
> collateral effects associated with such actions,'' he said. ``Collateral''
> damages is military jargon for spillover to civilians.
> Duane Andrews, an assistant secretary of defense for command, control and
> intelligence in the first Bush administration, told the hearing that the
> United States had lost ground in dealing with cyber threats.
> The Defense Department should be prepared if necessary to help protect
> ``networks of critical importance'' to U.S. economic security, said Andrews,
> now an executive vice president of employee-owned Science Applications
> International Corp., a major defense contractor.
> In other testimony, Frank Cilluffo, co-chair of a task force on cyber
> threats of the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International
> Studies, urged the creation of a White House post to oversee the
> government's cyber defense strategy.
> Gershwin said ``bombs still work better than bytes'' for guerrillas. ``But
> we anticipate more substantial cyber threats in the future as a more
> technically competent generation enters the terrorist ranks.''
> Although the harm done by ``hackers'' is well publicized, they pose a
> negligible threat to national-level infrastructures like transportation
> grids or financial networks, partly because they lack the skill or motive to
> mount a sustained attack, he said.
> ``National cyber warfare programs are unique in posing a threat along the
> entire spectrum of objectives that might harm U.S. interests,'' including
> ``long-duration damage to U.S critical infrastructures,'' Gershwin said.
> He predicted computer viruses were likely to become more controllable,
> precise and predictable -- ``making them more suitable for weaponization.''
> Senator Bob Bennett of Utah, the panel's ranking Republican and chairman of
> the defunct Senate Year 2000 committee, urged industry to join government in
> strengthening U.S. cyber defenses.
> ``In an interconnected world, the private sector is on the front line,'' he
> said.
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