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[] US Marines trainieren vernetzten Krieg -

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Mit 7000 Leuten bisher angeblich der grösste militärische Test neuer
Technologien wie PDAs und ähnlichem. R.

By James W. Crawley 
June 19, 2001 

Marines will be running around Camp Pendleton this week and next armed
not only with rifles but with the next weapons of war -- laptop and
hand-held computers. 

The Navy and Marine Corps will test ways to fight future wars, using
high-tech computers and wireless gear in a series of experimental war

The joint exercise, called Kernal Blitz Experimental, started
yesterday and runs through June 28 off the coast and at Camp

Billed as the largest battle experiment undertaken, the exercise will
involve 7,000 sailors and Marines, along with the aircraft carrier
John C. Stennis, the amphibious ships Bonhomme Richard, Ogden and
Pearl Harbor, and several other warships. 

Marine forces involved will be parts of the 1st Marine Expeditionary
Force and 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit at Camp Pendleton. 

Despite its size and importance, the exercise will be largely
unnoticed off base. Only a small number of Marines and equipment will
participate in an amphibious landing June 24, and most units will be
offshore or have a relatively small number of troops. 

Five experiments and demonstration projects will be conducted under
the auspices of the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, the Navy Warfare
Development Command, the Office of Naval Research, the Pacific Command
and the 3rd Fleet. 

The war games will try out technology and tactics that could be in use
by 2007. Most will be communications and computer systems and software
that help senior commanders make decisions and control troops more

Using wireless, laptop and hand-held computers, small Marine units
will receive the same intelligence and information used by their
commanding generals. And, with a few taps on the computer keys,
up-to-date information about a unit's location and situation are
transmitted back to headquarters. 

The hand-held computers, with global-positioning satellite receivers
attached, will be used by squad sergeants during the tests. 

Better ways to send and receive targeting information for manned and
unmanned weapons will be tried. Also, new methods of supplying food
and ammunition to small, scattered units will be tested. 

Meanwhile, on the 3rd Fleet command ship Coronado, commanders will use
new computer systems and software that will help generals and admirals
"see" the battlefield through computer graphics and other techniques. 

Using airborne radio relays, commanders aboard the Coronado and
Marines on the beach will be able to see and use the same information. 

The Marines also will try new urban peacekeeping tactics during the

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