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[] Debatte ueber NIPC geht weiter, diesmal im Senat -

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Der Bericht des GAO scheint (noch) nicht online zu sein. Ralf

July 26, 2001

Senator criticizes FBI's computer security center 
>From Technology Daily

In her first hearing as chairwoman of the Senate Judiciary Technology,
Terrorism, and Government Information Subcommittee, California Democrat
Dianne Feinstein on Wednesday criticized the FBI's National
Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC). 

Citing a General Accounting Office report she had commissioned and that
was released at the hearing, Feinstein said, "The GAO report generally
confirms problems identified by critics of the NIPC." 

The top problems identified in the report included a failure to provide
timely warnings about computer viruses, poor cooperation with other
government agencies and inadequate sharing of information with
private-sector companies. 

Because of struggles in hiring qualified staff and other problems, she
said, "the result has been confusion about the NIPC's role and

In the report, prepared by Robert Dacey, the GAO director of information
security issues, the agency recommended that NIPC more readily share
information about computer attacks with industry-run information-sharing
and analysis centers, develop a database of the nation's crucial
computer networks and develop a better working relationship with the
Defense Department. 

NIPC Director Ron Dick responded that his agency has beefed up its staff
capabilities and has begun to work more with other agencies, including
the Defense Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National
Security Agency. 

Feinstein asked how reports that the Bush administration had begun
reorganizing the chain of command for dealing with network attacks would
affect the center. 

"I think it is the administration's intent to raise the level within the
public and private sector of information assurance such that [it] is not
just a collateral duty," Dick said. "The director of the NIPC would be a
participant on the board, and hopefully an active participant," he said,
referring to the proposed inter-governmental board of directors that
would coordinate the administration's approach to cybercrime.

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