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[] US-Kommission untersucht auch Cyberterrorismus,

ich bin wieder zurück in Berlin (endlich - man fühlte sich in Washington
doch etwas fremd seit dem 11. September) und kämpfe mich gerade durch
2000 Emails aus den letzten drei Wochen. Wahrscheinlich wird es daher
etwas mehr Mails geben als gewöhnlich.

Ausserdem erreichten mich schon einige Presseanfragen zum Thema
Cyberterrorismus. Ich dachte ja eigentlich, dass das Thema nicht mehr so
groß wäre nach den Anschlägen (ich sage nur Paketmesser), aber
anscheinend wird jetzt nur noch über Terrorismus und seine Bekämpfung
geschrieben, und da ist auch das zehnte Wiederkäuen von "Osama bin Laden
benutzt Verschlüsselung" anscheinend eine Meldung wert. Ich werde solche
Nachrichten nicht weiterleiten, es sei denn, sie enthalten wirklich
substanziell Neues.

Grüße, Ralf

U.S. commission examines cyberterrorism
September 18, 2001 Posted: 10:43 AM EDT (1443 GMT)

By Cara Garretson

(IDG) -- As the U.S. government begins to formulate policy in response
to the terrorist attacks last week, it is faced with trying to heighten
national security and preparedness while preserving American citizens'
civil liberties. Government officials will likely find that balance
particularly difficult to maintain when it comes to regulation and the
Internet. This topic will be addressed in an upcoming report by a
government commission that examines terrorism.

In light of last week's attacks, the National Advisory Panel to Assess
Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism plans to accelerate
reporting its findings to both the Congress and the Office of the
President, said its Chairman James Gilmore, a Republican who is governor
of Virginia. During a press conference here Monday, Gilmore said that
the panel will meet on September 24 to finalize its recommendations and
set a closer delivery date for the report, originally scheduled for
release to the government in December. 

Those recommendations in part will arise from the panel's analysis of
the impact of cyberterrorism on the United States, including related
issues such as how a disabled communications infrastructure would affect
information flow in a conventional attack, Gilmore said. 

Yet when it comes to suggesting preventative measures, Gilmore
acknowledged that regulation would be hard to set and enforce because of
the global nature of the Internet and because much of its value comes
from the free flow of communication that it fosters. "It's very
difficult to regulate the Internet," he said.

The government must be careful not to forsake its citizens' civil rights
-- such as free speech, of which the Internet is a symbol -- when
setting new policy, Gilmore added. "It has been the consistent position
of this commission that Americans should not be asked to give up their
civil liberties." 

The panel has not yet examined specific technology designed to help flag
terrorist activity on the Internet -- such as the U.S. Federal Bureau of
Investigation's Carnivore system that monitors Internet communication --
said another member of the panel, former Secretary of the Army John
Marsh. He added that the panel's work is not yet completed, but doubted
that its report would make recommendations that are as specific as
naming certain technologies. "Many of these are congressional issues,"
he added.

The National Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for
Terrorism was assembled in 1999 with a three-year life span and has
issued two reports to date. In the third report, Gilmore said
recommendations will cover, among other things, the response abilities
of health and medical groups, U.S. border security issues, and an
emphasis on state and local roles in a national emergency.

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