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[] Zuwachs an politisch begründet Angriffe in England,

Political hackers on the increase in Britain
17:52 Monday 14th January 2002 
<A HREF="mailto:mailroomuk -!
- zdnet -
 com">Wendy McAuliffe</A>     

The number of defacements affecting UK government Web sites increased nearly 
fourfold in the UK last year 
Hacking attacks on political Web sites more than tripled in the UK during 
2001, despite a sharp fall in the number of defacements around 11 September. 
The UK government Web address experienced a 378 percent increase in 
defacements last year, rising from nine incidents in 2000 to 43 in 2001, 
according to a report from security consultant mi2g. The number of Web sites 
that were hacked globally rose fourfold in the same period, from 7629 attacks 
in 2000 to 30,388 last year.    
There was a marked decrease in global Web site defacements following the 11 
September terrorist attacks, according to mi2g's figures, which are gathered 
by consultants and software robots monitoring for Web site defacement in real 
time across the globe. In May 2001, 3,853 Internet defacements were reported 
worldwide, while in September this figure dropped to 815. "Global Web site 
defacement is indicative of the general conflicts prevalent in the physical 
world," said DK Matai, chairman of mi2g. "2002 may be a year in which 
politically motivated attacks, both physical and electronic, could complement 
strikes from disgruntled employees and organised crime." Worst hit was the 
global .com domain name, which was the target for nearly 30 percent of all 
Web defacements in 2001. The number of attacks rose from 8,736 in 2000 to 
30,388 in 2001. Reported incidents included US Web sites, as well as UK 
organisations using the non-geography-specific domain name. The UK domain rose from 5 attacks to 25 in the last year, and the number of 
incidents affecting the commercial domain increased by 181 percent. 
Anticapitalist protest, criminal activities and anti-NATO sentiment were the 
main factors motivating the UK attacks, according to mi2g. US government 
sites were also the target of hackers last year, with the .gov domain 
experiencing a 37 percent increase in Web site defacements. The US military 
Web address, .mil, also reported a 128 percent increase in attacks by 

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