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[infowar.de] CfP: InfowarCon 2002, September in Washington
Infowar.de, http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~bendrath/liste.html
Bei der letzten IWC waren kaum Leute aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum da -
ob sich das diesmal ändert? Wer einen Vortrag hält, kann immerhin die
Konferenzgebühren von ca. 1000 Eur sparen. Ich denke selber gerade
drüber nach.
Ach ja: Die Jungs von White Wolf, die auch das "Live War Game"
durchführen, waren letztes Mal schon dabei und haben zwei Tutorials
"Hacking 101" und "Hacking 201" gegeben. Soll ganz gut gewesen sein.
Ansonsten ist das Niveau eher gemischt (einige schlechtere Panels, aber
auch ein paar extrem gute), aber die Veranstaltung ist eine erstklassige
Gelegenheit zum Networking.
I n f o w a r C o n ? 2002
September 3-6, 2002, Washington, DC
Homeland Defense & CyberTerrorism:
Dealing With Harsh New Realities
Your Sponsors:
Winn Schwartau, Interpact, Inc. - www.interpactinc.com
MIS Training Institute - www.misti.com
White Wolf Consulting ? www.whitewolfconsulting.com
Four days after INFOWARCON 2001 concluded, the very face of our world
changed. Since then, governments and commercial organizations have
accelerated their efforts at defending the new Security Triad:
Electronic, Physical and Personnel.
The threats to critical infrastructures and government systems have
never been higher, and increased cooperation is more necessary than ever
before ? here and throughout the world.
INFOWARCON 2002 will bring together political, military and commercial
leaders from around the world to discuss the latest in threats and
We are soliciting creative analytic, interoperable real-world opinions
and solutions that will function in:
Countering the threats of Global and National Cyberterrorism
National and Municipal Critical Infrastructure Protection
Military and Government Information Operations (Defense and Offense)
Interested parties from government, law enforcement, academia,
corporations, product vendors and individuals from all nations are
invited to submit papers or concepts for presentations to be given at
INFOWARCON 2002 and published in the Conference Proceedings and on our
web sites. The following Solutions Oriented topics are of special
interest to the conference, but all papers will be considered.
Infrastructural protection, defensive and reactive technologies and
CyberTerrorism: Changes and New Realities
How Our Adversaries Have Changed: The human elements of infowar &
Changing IW/IO Doctrines since 9/11/01
Offensive weapons and technologies
Understanding the insider threat
Law enforcement: problems, solutions and cooperation
Global security & cooperation: methods and proposals
Information Operations for peacekeeping and conflict
Case studies and real world successes of defensive information warfare
and infrastructure protection
Forensics for law enforcement and corporate investigations
Effective information operations and information assurance for the
The law and cyber-conflict: international and US issues
Smart weapons
Intelligence options to combat infowar
Formulating electronic civil defense, national and intelligence
Education, ethics and security awareness
Interactive infowar and strategic gaming, and disaster response training
Balancing privacy: US and international cooperation
InfowarCon-2002: More Than Ever Before!
Expanded Solutions Oriented Exhibits
More Technical Sessions
Six Parallel Tracks
More Hands-On Demonstrations and Interactive Solutions
Up to 12 Special Day-Long Tutorials
Special Technical Vendor Track!
Our world-class audience is interested in new, emerging technologies for
Protection, Detection and Reaction for all aspects of defensive and
offensive Information Warfare. Vendors and PR firms are encouraged to
submit the latest research and emerging techniques that you think our
audiences will want to know about. We will be building this special
track based upon the submissions from vendors, researchers and their
NEW! Live War Game!
Sponsored by White Wolf Consulting, INFOWARCON 2002 will be hosting a
four day "War Game" where attendees and tutorial students can elect to
participate in Red/Blue teams with organizations around the world in
hands on, real-time CNA (Computer Network Attack) and IW-D, Information
Warfare Defense techniques.
General Submission Notes
Entertainment and education go hand in hand. InfowarCon speakers are
among the best in the world, and we want all attendees to get the most
value for their time. Please keep the following in mind:
Your Audience:
Multi-media presentations, real-time scenarios or gaming, audience
participation and highly interactive topics are more likely to be
accepted by the reviewers and appreciated by your Audience. Debate,
controversy, dissimilar positions and opinions have always been
encouraged and appreciated at InfowarCon.
English is the official conference language and all sessions will be
unclassified. Your Audience is military, intelligence, commercial and
international. Some are very technical and others are very senior,
Your Audience is looking for Real-World Solutions to Real-World
Problems, as well as being made aware of future possibilities. Your
Audience wants to come away with something tangible to do, enact,
change, design, buy or enforce.
The quality of presentation materials is very important. Handouts should
accurately reflect the presentation.
Please submit up to a 3 page briefing with as many pictures, diagrams
and descriptions of the proposed session. Submissions are to be in Word,
RTF or PowerPoint (97/2K) and under 1MB. Include length of session (or
full day tutorial) or time needed for panel discussion.
We also need one paragraph on who should attend this session, why it is
important to them, and what they will learn and take away with them by
What sort of give-aways or handouts will be provided?
What is the baseline knowledge required for the session. Is it very
technical? Is it for management or military leaders?
What sort of technical arrangements you will need or will provide, such
as in classroom settings. This helps us determine which facilities are
best suited for your session.
Full contact information including title, mailing address, phone, fax,
cell phone, website, and your current underwear size.
Submission Deadline: February March 11, 2002. Acceptance Date: March 25,
2002. You will be notified by email or phone. If your paper is chosen,
you will be asked to commit to provide your finished presentation by
July 1, 2002.
Please submit to InfowarCon -!
- Earthlink -
Com or winns -!
- gte -
net with
"InfowarCon 2002 Submission" in the subject line of the email
Entertainment combined with Quality Information is the key to education.
For inquiry or discussion on submissions, please contact Winn Schwartau
at 727.393.6600, or InfowarCon -!
- Earthlink -
Com or winns -!
- gte -
Sponsorships and Exhibits:
INFOWARCON is an ideal means to reach high-level infrastructure
protection decision makers in the military, government, commercial and
international communities. Hosted parties, cocktail receptions, breaks
and special exhibit hours are dedicated to introduce you to new
Please contact Adam Lennon at Alennon -!
- misti -
com or 508.879.7999 for the
many options available.
CFP IWC2002 V2.1
Infowar.Com, Ltd. webmaster -!
- infowar -
Submit articles to: news -!
- infowar -
Voice: 813-288-1955 Fax: 813-288-1985
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