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[] Infotech zur Homeland Defense,

Eine Darstellung der Ziele der "Homeland Security Information Offensive"

durch das Weiße Haus

The White House
Resident George W. Bush

Using 21st Century Technology to Defend the Homeland

America's information infrastructure is a source of both great strength
and considerable vulnerability. The President recognizes that modern
information technology is essential not only for making our Nation more
prosperous but for making our homeland more secure. The President has
launched a long-term program for usingadvanced information management
technology to better protect the Nation. At the sametime, the
President's 2003 Budget requests significant funding for cyberspace
security, an essential new mission for the 21st century given our
growing dependence on critical information infrastructure, most
importantly the Internet.

Information Technology and the Federal Government: Expanding
The Budget for 2003 requests a total of $50 billion for information
technology investment across the entire Federal government. This
enormous Federal investment in technology represents an opportunity to
improve the performance of billions of dollars of Federal spending by
increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of government.

Led by the Office of Management and Budget, the Administration is
deploying 21 high payoff  e-government initiatives to maximize Federal
government productivity gains from technology, eliminate redundant
systems, and significantly improve government's quality of service for
citizens, businesses, and other levels of government over the next 18 to
24 months.

Using Information to Secure the Homeland
The President believes that an effective use of intelligence and closer
coordination across all levels of government will help stop future
terrorist attacks. In the wake of September 11, for example, we
discovered that information on the hijackers' activities was available
through a  variety of databases at the Federal, State, and local
government levels as well as within the private sector. Looking forward,
we must build a system that combines threat information and then
transmits it as needed to all relevant law enforcement and public safety

The President's budget calls for an increase of $722 million and sets in
motion a program to use information technology to more effectively share
information and intelligence, both horizontally (among Federal agencies
and Departments) and vertically (among the Federal, State and local
governments). This ongoing homeland security initiative is a key
component of the President's "Expanded Electronic Government" management
initiative for the entire Federal government, which seeks to improve the
way that agencies work together to serve citizens by maximizing the
benefits of the Federal government's overall investment in information

The homeland security information initiative has two key objectives:

Goal 1: Tear down unwarranted information "stovepipes" within the
Federal government.
The President's Budget for 2003 proposes to establish an Information
Integration Office within the Department of Commerce to implement a
number of priority homeland security goals in the area of horizontal
information sharing. The most important function of this office will be
to design and help implement an interagency information architecture
that will support United States efforts to find, track, and respond to
terrorist threats within the United States and around the world, in a
way that improves both the time of response and the quality of
decisions. Controls will be developed to ensure that this initiative is
carried out in a manner consistent with our broader values of civil
liberties, economic prosperity, and privacy.

Information technology is also a key to keeping track of short-term
foreign visitors.
Currently, the country has no system in place for monitoring when a
foreign visitor has overstayed his or her visa. To begin filling this
gap, the President's 2003 Budget provides $380 million to the INS to
implement a new entry-exit system to track the arrival and departure of
non-U.S. citizens. This new information-based system will dramatically
improve our ability to deny access to those individuals who should not
enter the United States, while speeding the entry of routine, legitimate

Goal 2: Share homeland security information with States, localities, and
relevant private sector entities.
The struggle against terrorism is a truly national struggle. Federal,
State, and local government agencies, as well as the private sector,
must work seamlessly together. Having the right system of communication
- content, process, and infrastructure -is critical to bridging the
existing gaps between the Federal, State, and local governments, as well
as the private sector.
These new systems will greatly assist our officials at all levels to
protect and defend against future terrorist attacks, and to effectively
manage incidents whenever they should occur.

To help meet these needs, the Administration will establish a uniform
national threat advisory system to inform Federal agencies, State and
local officials, as well as the private sector, of terrorist threats and
appropriate protective actions. The Budget for 2003 supports this effort
by funding the development and implementation of secure information
systems to streamline the dissemination of critical homeland security

Cyberspace-Security: Protecting our Information Infrastructure

The information technology revolution has changed the way business is
transacted, government operates and national defense is conducted.
These three functions are now fueled by an interdependent network of
critical information infrastructures of which the Internet is key.
America must do more to strengthen security on the Internet to protect
our critical infrastructure. This cannot be done through government
regulation; it can only be accomplished through a voluntary public and
private partnership, including corporate and  non-governmental

The President recognized the importance of ensuring the continued
operation of America's critical information services by creating a
national board and designating a special advisor for cyberspace
security. Since October 2001, the President's Critical Infrastructure
Protection Board has organized national committees to streamline
initiatives and address emergency planning. The board has initiated
research into potential methods to isolate and protect critical
government information that carries vital communications. It has
fostered an unprecedented national government-industry partnership to
provide alert and warning for cyberspace threats.

This comprehensive strategy to defend cyberspace will be the result of a
true partnership among government and the owners and operatives of
critical infrastructure - including our partnership with the information
technology industry, telecommunications, electric power, and the
financial services industries. Some of the components of this national
strategy will include:

National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC). The President's Budget
for 2003 requests $125 million to fund the NIPC, the premier
cyberspace-threat response center located within the FBI. This request
represents an increase of more than $50 million from the NIPC's base
2002 funding level.

Cyberspace Warning Intelligence Network. The Internet and our critical
infrastructure are constantly under attack from viruses and other
invasive programs. The President's Budget for 2003 requests $30 million
to create the Cyberspace Warning Intelligence Network (CWIN) that would
link the major players in government and th private sector to manage
future cyberspace crises.

Priority Wireless Access. On September 11, we learned first hand that in
times of a major crisis, wireless communication jams due to congestion.
First responders must be able to complete calls in a timely manner. The
President's Budget for 2003 requests $60 million to develop a wireless
priority access program that will give authorized users priority on the
cellular network. The program will ensure that first responders have
priority for cellular phon coverage during emergencies.

National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center.
The President's Budget for 200 requests $20 million to fund the National
Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center at the Department of
Energy. This Center will promote collaboration between Federal research
efforts and the private sector to better understand the dependencies
between the Internet, our critical infrastructure, and our economy.

Secure "GovNet" Feasibility Study. The President's Budget for 2003
requests $5 million for a  feasibility study of a proposal to develop a
government network that will secure critical functions performed by
government at a higher level of security against external attack.

Advanced Encryption Standard. The President helped foster better
computer security at Federal agencies. A new Federal standard announced
on December 4, 2001, is designed to protect sensitive, unclassified
information well into the 21st century. In limited circumstances, it
will also be available for classified national security information. The
new standard, called the Advanced Encryption Standard, also is expected
to b used widely in the private sector, benefiting millions of consumers
and businesses.

Cybercorps Scholarships for Service. The President's Budget for 2003
requests $11 million for the "Cybercorps." By injecting scholarship
funding into universities across America, the Cybercorps Scholarship for
Service program encourages college students to become high tech computer
security professionals within government.
Managed by the National Science Foundation and the Office of Personnel
Management, thi program also helps to build academic programs at
universities in the area of compute security.

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