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[] Cyberkrieg Israel-Palaestina, Veranstaltung am 29.6. in Muenchen -

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hier eine sehr interessante Veranstaltung, die leider terminlich genau mit
unserer internationalen Konferenz zur "Cyber-Rüstungskontrolle" in Berlin
( kollidiert. 
Witzig übrigens, dass der Bundesnachrichtendienst hier als "Federal Information
Agency" übersetzt wird - ob es für "Intelligence" nicht mehr reicht? ;-)

Grüsse, Ralf

Cyberwar between Israel & Palestine 
New Media Battles in the Middle East and their European Perspective

Department for Communication Sciences 
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich 
Oettingenstr. 67 
80538 Munich   

June 29th, 2001 from 9 am to 1 pm 
Followed by a "Get Together"    

The topic of Cyberwar and Cyberpeace, of warfare
and peacemaking via the new media, has not received
much attention among the German and European
public and the scientific community - despite its
increasing importance in regional and global conflicts.
The medium of the Internet, which is primarily
thought of as being a place for communication and
dialogue between people has become a medium
for warfare and destruction.
The current Cyberwar between Israel and Palestine
is a dramatic example of these disastrous effects,
when war is waged not only via bombs, street fights,
and propaganda, but increasingly via information
and communication technologies.
Hosted by the Department of Communication
Sciences of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Munich, the upcoming symposium will further a
previous event of the Hubert Burda Center for
Innovative Communications at the Ben-Gurion-University
of the Negev in Israel.
The symposium is therefore intended to carry the
topic to Europe and will be one of the first events
in Germany dealing with this issue.
Lectures and discussion will focus on the role of
new media in this local conflict and peacemaking
process and attempt to explore definition, appearances
and impacts of information warfare on a more general
perspective. A final panel discussion should lead to
answers, in which ways countries, enterprises or
ordinary citizens can protect themselves against the
threats of Cyberwar, and even find means of making


9 am Greetings
9.10 am War and Peace on the Net Prof. Hans?Bernd Brosius
Challenges for Communications Head of the Department of
Research Communication Sciences, LMU Munich

9.30 am Cyberwar ? Cyberpeace Prof. Dov Shinar
Reflections on a Brave New World Head of the Department of Communication Studies
Introduction to Cyberwar and Cyberpeace and the Hubert Burda Center for
in the Israeli ? Palestinian Conflict Communications, Ben Gurion University of
the Negev
9.50 am Chat, don?t shoot Prof. Dan Caspi
Verbal Violence in Cyberwars Israeli Senior Communications Researcher,
Professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev and
Open University, Israel
10.10 am Intifada Cyberwars Elias Zananiri
The Role of the Internet in Palestinian Deputy Director General, MADAR, the
Journalism Centre for Israeli Studies, Ramallah, Palestine
10.30 am Image Wars Prof. Tamar Liebes
The Mobilization of Old and New Media Head of the Department of Communication
Journalism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
10.50 am Break

11.00 am Sandkastenspiele Christiane Schulzki-Haddouti
Information Warfare in Europe German Journalist covering Net Politics,
Introduction to Cyberwars in the and information Warfare ? Telepolis, Focus, c?t
European Context
11.20 am Information Warfare and Cybercrime Representative of the
Similarities and Differences. Bundesnachrichtendienst
Challenges for Threat Assessment (Federal Information Agency)
11:50 am Break
12.00 pm Panel Discussion Presenter: Jochen Wegner
Prof. Brosius, Prof. Shinar, German Journalist covering Science and Media,
Elias Zananiri, et al. Technology Editor Focus Magazine
12.35 pm Discussion open to Audience
~ 1 pm Open End ? Final Notes, Summary Hans-Bernd Brosius

Get together - Biergarten "Chinesischer Turm?

Department for Communication Sciences, LMU Munich
mail: afahr -!
- ifkw -
 uni-muenchen -
Tel. +49 89 2178-2439
Fax. +49 89 2178-2429

Hubert Burda Center for Innovative Communications, BGU Beer Sheva
mail: burda -!
- bgumail -
 bgu -
 ac -
Tel. +972 8 647 7211
Fax. +972 8 647 28 55

Hubert Burda Foundation / Stephanie Czerny
mail: czernyst -!
- burda -
 com / bacherp -!
- burda -
Tel. +49 89 9250 2578
Fax. +49 89 9250 2135

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