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[] NSA-Chef für IT-Sicherheit und andere machen Cyber-Angst,

Der größte Witz nach meiner Einschätzung: 
"Iraq Net", "mehr als 100 Webseiten, die der Irak seit Mitte der
neunziger Jahre überall in der Welt aufgebaut hat, um Denial of
Service-Attacken durchzuführen", so Yonah Alexander vom Potomac
Kennt den jemand näher? 
Seine Bio findet sich hier: Er hat eine
vierbändige Serie über Cyberterrorismus und IW herausgegeben
( sowie
gerade schnell ein Buch über Al-Qaeda geschrieben
Ich selber habe nie etwas von ihm gelesen - ist der ernst zu nehmen?
Government Executive Daily Briefing
December 19, 2001 

Nation unprepared for cyber war, experts say 

By Joshua Dean
jdean -!
- govexec -

The United States is unprepared to defend itself against a serious cyber
attack, according to a senior official at the National Security Agency. 
Speaking Tuesday at a homeland security conference in Washington
sponsored by Market*Access International Inc., Michael Jacobs, the NSA?s
director of information assurance, painted a grim picture of a nation
made increasingly vulnerable by its reliance on high technology. 
?If we experienced a serious cyber-based attack, could we figure out who
did it and recover from it? The answer is no.? Jacobs said. ?Is the
federal government properly organized for this? The answer is no.? 
Martha Stansell-Gamm, chief of the Justice Department?s Computer Crime
and Intellectual Property division, said the cyber threat is a ?huge
interdisciplinary and multifaceted problem.? Agencies spread among the
law enforcement, intelligence and defense communities do not work
together very well when it comes to fighting cybercrime and protecting
the nation?s cyber borders, she said. 
Yonah Alexander, a senior fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy
Studies, an Arlington, Va. think tank, said the threat of cyber
terrorism is very real. 
?Many people feel terrorists are not going to utilize the cyber weapon,?
he said, but ?terrorists will use whatever tools they can in order to
achieve their goals. Cyber more than any other weapon is the great
equalizer. At the press of a button [terrorists] can actually destroy
systems. To be cyber terrorists, they don?t need training camps. They
can be operating in a basement 6,000 miles away.? 
Iraq has quietly been developing a cyber arsenal called Iraq Net since
the mid-1990s. Alexander said it consists of a series of more than 100
Web sites located in domains throughout the world. Iraq Net, he said, is
designed to overwhelm cyber-based infrastructures by distributed denial
of service and other cyber attacks. 
?Saddam Hussein would not hesitate to use the cyber tool he has,?
Alexander said. ?It is not a question of if but when. The entire United
States is the front line.? 
Alexander predicted that under an Iraqi attack on the nation?s critical
infrastructure, telephone systems would crash, freight and passenger
trains would collide, oil refineries would explode, the air traffic
control system would be undermined and cities would suffer from
?National security includes more than just those things that are
classified in nature,? NSA?s Jacobs said. ?National security must now
include systems which support the nation?s [critical infrastructures].?

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