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[] Cybersicherheits-Strategien des privaten Sektors,

Ihr erinnert euch: Die neue Strategie soll ein "plug and play"-Dokument
sein. Ob dazu allerdings die entsprechenden Schnittstellen existieren?
Hier also (unten) die einzelnen Strategien, die in den privaten
Infrastruktursektoren erarbeitet worden sind. Ohne
Regierungs-Beteiligung, nicht verpflichtend - naja. Vor allem
Lobeshymnen auf die eigene Arbeit und ein paar Meckereien an Plänen der
ohnehin schon so zahmen Regierung (z.B. von der IT-Industrie über das
CALEA-Überwachungsgesetz oder das mandatierte Aufbewahren von Logfiles,
wie es einige Regierungen und die EU-Kommission vorgeschlagen haben).
Was mich wundert: Es gab vorher Gerüchte, dass neue Sektoren dazkommen
sollten. Wie ich das sehe, ist es nur die Versicherungswirtschaft.
Ernährung und Chemische Industrie wider Erwarten nicht dabei.

The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace - For Comment

September 18, 2002

President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board

September 18, 2002, Stanford University - The President's Critical
Infrastructure Protection Board, the "Board", released to the public an
unprecedented document, to meet an equally unprecedented challenge, that
is titled "National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace - Draft for Comment."
This draft Strategy identifies 24 strategic goals and more than 80
recommendations. The Strategy can be viewed and downloaded from

Last October, President Bush created the "Board" by Executive Order
12321 and noted:  The information technology revolution has changed the
way business is transacted, government operates, and national defense is
conducted. Those three functions now depend on an interdependent network
of critical information infrastructures.

To protect these systems, the President called for "a public-private
partnership, involving corporate and nongovernmental organizations," and
called for a "National Strategy." 

The Public-Private Partnership 

Because so much of the interdependent network of critical information
infrastructures is owned and operated by companies, State and local
governments, academia, and nongovernmental groups, a unique partnership
and Strategy development process was needed. 

Groups in many sectors formed and developed their own strategies to
secure the parts of cyberspace upon which they rely. These parallel
strategies were neither developed for nor subject to government
approval. The plans can be downloaded from the links below. In addition,
the Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Security (PCIS) has analyzed
the plans and summarized key cross-cutting themes, which are available

Banking and Finance 


Electric Power

Higher Education

Information Technology & Telecommunications


Oil and Gas

Law Enforcement

Trasportation (Rail)

Water Systems

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